

Of the two ways to contact me, please sign up for a meeting that fits your situation!

1. E-mail

 Email ( is the preferred mode of communication, but please note that there may be a delay of 1-2 days in receiving a reply.
→ Note that LMS messages are checked infrequently, so replies may be significantly delayed.
 To facilitate prompt communication and faster response time, please send us an email with a subject line in the following format.
You may use the link below to generate the format automatically. Your email will be automatically categorized based on the rules specified in the format.

2. Office Hours (individual meetings)

Do you have in-depth questions about spectroscopical analysis? (What do professionals in the field do?)
Do you need counseling or help with chemistry-related careers? (Help me achieve my goals!)
Are you experiencing difficulty adjusting to the class? (Help me manage my stress!)
→ You are welcome to sign-up individual meeting at your convenience and request assistance.
Office Hours ink (Individual meeting)
Individual meetings are scheduled for every Monday and Tuesday, unless otherwise specified.
Reservations must be made at least one day in advance (in case of any last-minute changes).
Meetings can be scheduled up to 15 days in advance.