
Attendance Policy


Attendance will be taken at the beginning of each class by calling out names.
 If you arrive after the start of the class, I will still count you as present.
Tardiness will be checked after the end of class.
Proxy attendance is strictly prohibited. If caught, both parties will be penalized.
If you have any unavoidable circumstances that prevent you from attending a few classes, please inform the instructor.
Four or more absences will result in an automatic 'F' grade in the electronic system, so please be aware!
Please note that tardiness will not be considered in this policy.
Example 1: 10 tardies, 3 absences → grade can be processed
Example 2: 4 absences, 1 tardy → automatic 'F' grade.
Attendance Score Calculation
1 absence = -1 point from the total (100 points)
1 tardy = -0.5 points from the total (100 points)
Example 1: 2 absences, 1 tardy, 100 points midterm, 100 points presentation = 17.5 + 40 + 40 = 97.5
Example 2: 100 points midterm, 90 points presentation = 20 + 40 + 36 = 96 points

Sick leave and excused absence:

Main reasons for granting excused absences:
Recognition Procedure
The student must submit official documents to the Department → Advisor and department chair must approve → Final approval by the university → Official absence permission must be submitted to the course instructor.
Due Date: From the date of the excused absence until the Grade Entry Period.
1) The total number of excused absences cannot exceed one-half of the class time.
2) Attendance will not be recognized without the submission of official documentation to confirm the reason for the absence.
3) There is no need to inform the professor in advance!
 If you have any questions or concerns about attendance, please contact Prof. Lee for further assistance.